WC Vendors Display Overview


WC Vendors Pro adds a notice section to the display settings. There are various notices that are displayed to vendors and these options allow the marketplace admin to set default messages within the system. There are two areas where notices are displayed, on the vendor dashboard and in other frontend areas during vendor signup.

  • Notices
  • Signup Notices

Vendor Dashboard Notice

Shown at all times around the top of the vendor dashboard. Useful for the vendors to obtain relevant notices.

Signup Notices

These notices will be displayed at various times during the signup process. Allowing the marketplace admin to customize the messages displayed to vendors during signup.

  • Vendor signup notice
  • Pending Vendor message
  • Approved vendor message

Vendor signup notice

When a consumer is applying to become a vendor on your marketplace, shown on the signup page.

Pending Vendor message

If the manual vendor approval is enabled, this is the message that will be displayed to vendors after the vendor signup form is submitted.

Approved vendor message

This is the message displayed to vendors when the marketplace admin has approved the vendor’s application.

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