WC Vendors Display Overview


The marketplace admin can customize the colors of the charts on the vendor’s dashboard. There are two charts that can be customized. This can help ensure that the vendor dashboard design and color schemes are in line with your chosen branding colors.

  • Order Totals Chart Colors
  • Product Totals Chart Colors

Order Totals Chart Colors

Customize the colors used for the charts in the total order chart of the vendor dashboard.

  • Use Random Colors
  • Fill Color
  • Fill Opacity
  • Stroke Color
  • Stroke Opacity
  • Hover Fill Color
  • Hover Fill Opacity
  • Hover Stroke Color
  • Hover Stroke Opacity

Use Random Colors

If the site admin enables the “random colors” option then on the vendor’s dashboard “orders chart” color randomly generates.

Fill Color

Here, as per the screenshots below, site admin may set the fill color on the total order chart

Fill Opacity

Using a fill opacity option for setting the vendor dashboard “total orders chart” fill color opacity. 0 is the most opaque 1 is solid

Stroke Color

Here set the chart stroke color of the total orders chart which is published on the vendor front-end dashboard.

Stroke Opacity

This setting sets the stroke color opacity. Site admin can set the opacity between 0 to 1. 0 is the most opaque 1 is solid

Hover Fill Color

This option is for when there is a hover action for the chart. This will change the fill color on hover.

Hover Fill Opacity

This option is for when there is a hover action for the chart. This will change the fill opacity on hover.

Hover Stroke Color

This option is for when there is a hover action for the chart. This will change the stroke color on hover.

Hover Stroke Opacity

This option is for when there is a hover action for the chart. This will change the stroke opacity on hover.

Product Totals Chart Colors

This will allow the marketplace admin to choose how colors are generated for the complete pie chart of the product. There are three available options for the product chart colors.

  • Random Colors
  • Shade Fill Color
  • Shade Hover Color

Random Colors

If the marketplace admin chooses this option then the pie chart will have random colors on every page load.

Shade Fill Color

If the marketplace admin sets a color here then on the vendor’s dashboard the pie chart of the total product color will be various shades of this color.

Shade Hover Color

If the marketplace admin sets a color here then on the vendor’s dashboard the pie chart of the total product color on hover will be various shades of this color.

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