WC Vendors Display Overview

Pro Dashboard

These options are related to the WC Vendor Pro vendor dashboard. These are related to various defaults and functions that you can enable or disable.

  • Dashboard Date Range
  • Orders Page Ranges
  • View store link
  • Show logout link
  • View Product link
  • Show disk usage limit
  • Show file usage limit
  • Products per page
  • Coupons per page

Dashboard Date Range

This will set the default date range for the vendor pro main dashboard reports area.

Orders Page Ranges

Order page ranges setting for changing the order page date range of form in Vendor Pro Dashboard.

If the site admin allows the view store option, a link to the view store will open in a new window when the vendors click on the view store from the dashboard.

A vendor shows a logout link on the pro dashboard navigation when show logout link is enabled.

If the site admin allows the view product link option, a link to the view product will open in a new window when the vendors click on the view product from the dashboard.

Show disk usage limit

Site-admin can enable/disable the Show file usage limit count section in the vendors pro dashboard. Show disk usage limit option allows the vendor can see disk usage from the dashboard.

Show file usage limit

Show file usage limit option allows the vendor can see file usage from the dashboard.

Show reversed orders

Show refunded/refunded orders on the orders dashboard. If enabled, It will show all orders including reversed or refunded orders. The orders table will show which items are refunded and the refund status. If you view the order details, you will see the quantity, total refund, and tax refund for each item.

Products per page

Here site admin may determine how many products are displayed on the dashboard of vendors per page.

Coupons per page

Here site admin may determine how many coupons are displayed on the dashboard of vendors per page.


WC Vendors adds a branding sub-section to the display settings. This area allows the marketplace admin to set a default store banner for all vendor pages. This will be loaded if the vendor has not already uploaded their own store banner.

Default Store Banner

You can configure a default store banner for all vendor stores.

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