WC Vendors Display Overview


There are various labels on the front end of the marketplace that can be changed without code by using these settings.

  • Vendor singular term
  • Vendors plural term
  • Sold by    
  • Sold by separator
  • Sold by label
  • Become a Vendor   
  • Become a Vendor label
  • Vendor Store Info   
  • Vendor store info label
  • Verified Vendor Label (WC Vendors Pro)
  • Vendor Rating Label (WC Vendors Pro)
  • Show Store Total Sales (WC Vendors Pro)
  • Show Product Total Sales (WC Vendors Pro)
  • Store Total Sales Label (WC Vendors Pro)
  • Product Total Sales Label (WC Vendors Pro)

Vendor singular term

This allows the marketplace admin to change the term used for vendors. There are two terms, singular and plural term. Changing “vendor” to “merchant” will change all references on the marketplace to “Merchant.”

Vendors plural term

This setting provides you options to change the label for the Vendor’s plural term. Changing “vendors” to “merchants” will change all references on the marketplace from “vendors” to “merchants”.

Sold by

Using this option you can enable/disable sold by the label. The sold label indicates which product belongs to which suppliers/vendors. If you disable this label, then vendor stores will effectively be disabled.

Sold by separator

This field helps to change the separator for the “Sold by” label.

Sold by label

Sold by the label can change sold by text on the front end the same as below.

Become a Vendor

Become a Vendor label

You can change the “become a” label text form here on the registration page.

Vendor Store Info

Vendor store info label

Using this option “store info” label/text will be changed on the front-end single product page.

Verified Vendor Label (WC Vendors Pro)

If the vendor is verified by the marketplace admin, then the verified vendor badge will be added to the vendor’s shop header banner. The shop headers must be enabled and either pro header templates must be selected.

Vendor Rating Label (WC Vendors Pro)

You can change the Vendor rating tab title on the vendor’s single product page with this setting.

Show Store Total Sales (WC Vendors Pro)

You can show/hide total sales on vendor store headers. This will display the total sales of a vendor on the shop header. The shop headers must be enabled and either pro header templates must be selected.

Show Product Total Sales (WC Vendors Pro)

You can show/hide product total sales on the single product page. This will display the unit sold by a vendor.

Store Total Sales Label (WC Vendors Pro)

Here you can change the store total sales label as per the below screenshot.

Product Total Sales Label (WC Vendors Pro)

Here you can change the product total sales label as per the below screenshot.

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