WC Vendors Display Overview

The display settings tab relates to all areas of the front including the vendor dashboard and vendor stores. There are some differences between the available options in WC Vendors Marketplace and WC Vendors Pro. The Display Setting tab has six subsections of settings accessed by the top links:

  • General
  • Labels
  • Advanced
  • Pro Dashboard (WC Vendors Pro)
  • Branding (WC Vendors Pro)
  • Colors (WC Vendors Pro)
  • Notices (WC Vendors Pro)


The general tab relates to the main aspects of the WC Vendors front end. The two main areas include:

  • Pages
  • Store Settings


There are various pages and shortcodes that are required for WC Vendors to function correctly. If these are not configured or configured incorrectly then your marketplace will not function correctly. All pages should be created after you run the setup wizards for both WC Vendors Marketplace and WC Vendors Pro.

Tip: For all vendor dashboard-related pages, if your theme provides a full widget template, use this. In all our screenshots we use the Storefront theme that provides this.

Page NameShortcodeDescription
Vendor Dashboard[wcv_vendor_dashboard]This page displays the vendors front-end dashboard.
Shop Settings[wcv_shop_settings]This is the page that has the vendors store settings.
Orders[wcv_orders]This page is used to display the order details
Vendors[wcv_vendorslist]This shows a basic vendor directory
Pro Dashboard[wcv_pro_dashboard]This is the pro dashboard page that provides the full-featured frontend for vendors.
(WC Vendors Pro)
Vendor Ratings[wcv_feedback_form]This is the feedback form page for allowing customers to provide feedback.
(WC Vendors Pro)

Dashboard Page

This is the page that the WC Vendors Marketplace dashboard uses. This page will be automatically created and selected after you run the WC Vendors Marketplace setup wizard. If this page has been removed or not created for any reason you can manually add the details required.

To configure the page ensure you have included the [wcv_vendor_dashboard] shortcode. Once this has been added to the page and configured, vendors will be able to view their frontend dashboard for WC Vendors Marketplace.

Shop Settings

The shop settings page is the separate settings page on the vendor front where they can set their basic settings. Here the vendor can store payment information and store details.

To configure the shop settings page, ensure you have included the [wcv_shop_settings] on the page.


This page provides information about the products ordered from customers for vendors. This page cannot be accessed directly. It is only accessible via the main vendor dashboard. Vendors are able to export their orders here.

To configure the shop settings page, ensure you have included the [wcv_orders] shortcode on the page.


The vendor’s page is the page you select to show your vendor directory on. There are two shortcodes available for this. One for WC Vendors Marketplace and one for WC Vendors Pro.


If you call this page ‘vendors’ and have also set the vendor store URL in the store settings below, this will provide a directory of vendors in your store’s base vendor URL.

Example. https://mytestmarketplace.com/vendors/ will show the directory while https://mytestmarketplace.com/vendors/vendor1-store/ will show a particular vendor’s store page.

To configure the vendor’s page with WC Vendors Marketplace, you need to put [wcv_vendorslist] shortcode on the page. To configure the vendor’s page with WC Vendors Pro, you need to put [wcv_pro_vendorslist] shortcode on the page.

You can read about the various options for the two vendor list shortcodes on our shortcodes documentation.

Terms and Conditions

You can select the page option from “Terms and Conditions”. It will show the terms & conditions checkbox on the registration page. Here a vendor can read the marketplace vendor’s terms & conditions. This page does not require a shortcode.

Pro Dashboard (WC Vendors Pro)

WC Vendors Pro adds a new page for the dedicated full-featured Vendor dashboard. This page removes the need to allow your vendors to access your WordPress admin area as it provides all necessary functions to manage their orders, products, settings, coupons, and more.

To configure the shop settings page, ensure you have included the [wcv_pro_dashboard] shortcode on the page.

Vendor Ratings (WC Vendors Pro)

The Vendor rating system allows customers to rate the products. This page is accessible via the Orders page on the my-account page for customers. When the Vendor Rating system is enabled, there will be a leave feedback button on the my-account page.

To configure the shop settings page, ensure you have included the [wcv_feedback_form] shortcode on the page.

Store Settings

The store settings section is related to the vendor stores page and the vendors. This is where you configure the various aspects of the vendor’s store including the store URL, store header, display name, and more.

  • Vendor Store URL
  • Shop Header  
  • Single Product Header
  • Shop Description    
  • Shop Header (Pro)
  • Shop HTML 
  • Display Name     

Vendor Store URL

The Vendor Store URL settings allow you to create a custom URL for your vendors’ store. Here you can change the vendor’s store URL.

Shop Header 

The shop header will add a shop header to the vendor’s page. This is how you are able to differentiate between a vendor store and the main product archive.

Single Product Header

This option will enable or disable the header on the single product page for vendors. This allows you to have a banner or store description on the main vendor page but disable them on the single product page.

Shop Description  

The shop description is an option that is only used in the WC Vendors Marketplace. This will output the store description in the store header. This is due to the fact that there are no pre-made vendor store headers in the WC Vendors Marketplace.   

Shop Header (WC Vendors Pro)

WC Vendors Marketplace header template only provides a basic design that requires some styling to integrate nicely with your marketplace and theme. WC Vendors Pro introduces two new store header templates that provide cleaner styles ready to use.

Store HeaderVersion
FreeWC Vendors Marketplace
ProWC Vendors Pro
Pro ModernWC Vendors Pro

Shop HTML 

This will enable the WYSIWYG editor and on the vendor shop description forms. You can enable or disable this per vendor by editing the vendor user account.

Display Name

Select a field from the dropdown “Display Name” to display information about the vendor at the front end such as showing the vendor name, shop name, username, and email address.

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