Table rate shipping provides a much more fine-grained control over the shipping costs that are charged. You can create as many entries as you like to provide close to shipping zone like functionality. Shipping rates can be set using the following details
- Country / Region / Everywhere else
- State
- Post/Zip Code (Single, Range and Wildcard)
- Fee
- QTY Override (charge the shipping fee only once, no matter the product qty count)
The entries are checked in order they are listed in the table, so the first entry is checked first moving down the table. Only Country and fee are required for the fee to be triggered. All other settings are optional.
The countries available are determined by the global WooCommerce settings. If you have selected to ship to only select countries, then only the countries selected above will be available. These settings will determine what is available for the vendors on the front end.
In the table rate, we support shipping to regions. The regions available are the same regions as defined by WooCommerce. The shipping calculation will apply to all countries belonging to that region. If you want to set the shipping fee for a specific country that belongs to that region, you can add a new row and select a country, then set the fee as you want.
Everywhere Else
There is an option that is not part of WooCommerce but part of WC Vendor’s shipping system called Everywhere Else. This allows the vendor to set a rate for the countries they need and then set a rate for ‘Everywhere else’.
Post Codes
Post codes provide 3 different options allowing extremely fine grained control over your shipping charges.
- Single – provides a single fee for a single post code
- Example postcode: 4301
- This will match only the post code 4301.
- Range – you can use a – to set up a range of post codes
- Example postcode range: 4000-4300
- This will match every post code in the range of 4000 to 4300
- Wildcard – you can use a * (asterisk) to provide a wild card match
- Example wildcard postcode: 48*
- This will match every post code from 4800-4999.
Product Level Options
Product level shipping is the first level of shipping checked by the shipping calculations. If any fees are set here, then these values are used first. The shipping options for the product are found on the shipping tab on the product edit form. This is only available for shippable products and if the shipping system is enabled.
The following table rate shipping options are available at the product level. These override the vendor store and global defaults.
Store Level Options
The vendor store shipping is the default shipping options at a vendor level. All settings here will be applied to any product that does not have an override set above. This will show the flat rate options for the vendor store. The vendor store shipping options can be found in Dashboard > Settings > Shipping Tab

Shipping From
The shipping from allows vendors to set a different shipping address for their products from their store address. This allows vendors to have their shipping calculated based on the location of their warehouse.
Other – such as a warehouse/factory