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  4. Vendor Shipping Management – Flat Rate

Vendor Shipping Management – Flat Rate

The flat rate shipping system has national and international options, this is true for all levels and have the following options

  • Shipping fee
  • QTY Override (charge the shipping fee only once no matter the product qty count)
  • Free shipping nationally or internationally
  • Minimum and Maximum shipping charges per rate (national/international)
  • Free shipping order over
  • Disable this method (stop national or international shipping from being available)

Minimum, maximum and free shipping thresholds

WC Vendors provides the ability for the vendor to set minimum and maximum shipping fees as well as free shipping if the spend is over a specified amount. This can be set at the product level, store level, or globally. This is the only part of our shipping system that runs for both product and store levels. This is because product-level thresholds apply to the product while store-level thresholds apply to the entire vendor’s order.

  • Minimum – The minimum shipping fee that will apply
  • Maximum – The maximum shipping fee that will apply
  • Free shipping – If the customer spends over this amount then free shipping is applied.

Product level thresholds apply to that specific product. Store-level thresholds apply to the vendor’s order as a whole. Both of these thresholds are checked when shipping is calculated. That means if a threshold is triggered at the product level, that product’s shipping and spending will be used in the order calculations.

Shipping threshold calculation example

Product A costs $25 with shipping costs set at the product level

National shipping rate$3
National minimum shipping rate$10
National maximum shipping rate$50
National free shipping spend Not set

Product B costs $34 with shipping costs set at the store level

National shipping rate$9
National minimum shipping rateNot set
National maximum shipping rateNot set
National free shipping spend $99

Customer Cart Shipping Calculation steps

The following is an example of the shipping system running through the calculations to find the rates for a vendor store including the threshold checks.

Step One: Check the per-product shipping rates either at the product or store or global level.

3x Product A – shipping cost for Product A is $9 ($3 x 3 )
5x Product B – shipping costs for Product B is $45 ($9×5)
Cart total spend – Product A – $75, Product B – $170 – $245
Total Shipping before threshold checks $54

Step Two: Run threshold checks

Threshold checks Product A for a total of $10 because the $9 rate does not meet the minimum shipping cost. Threshold checks for the order will trigger free shipping because the total spends for the vendor order is $245.

3x Product A – The shipping cost for Product A is $10
5x Product B – shipping costs for Product B is $45 ($9×5)
Cart total spend – Product A – $75, Product B – $170 – $245
Total Shipping after threshold checks $FREE

Product level options

The following flat-rate shipping options for a product are available, these override the vendor store or global defaults.

Flat Rate Shipping Options

Store level options

Vendor store shipping is the default shipping option at a vendor level. All settings here will be applied to any product that does not have an override set above. This will show the flat rate options for the vendor store. The vendor store shipping options can be found in Dashboard > Settings > Shipping Tab

The flat rate shipping options include not only the options to set default rates but also the default options on a per-order basis per vendor. This is available in the flat-rate shipping module only. There are vendor-specific default options including

  • Per order charges
  • Per product charges
  • Minimum and maximum charges
  • Handling fees
  • Shipping and return policy
  • Shipping from (Store address / Other)

Shipping Fees

The following flat rate options are available for the vendor store. These are the same as product or global options. This rate is used when a product rate has not been set.


Under the shipping fee are the override settings that will take precedence over the fees. These include

Free Shipping

Free shipping will set the national or international rate to free shipping for all orders.

Charge Once

Charge once overrides the qty of the product when charging. This means if the customer adds more than one of the same product the shipping fee for that product is only charged once.


This will disable the rate, national or international completely

General fees & settings

The following general fees are available to be set on a per-vendor store level. These will be applied to any order with this vendor’s products in it.

Flat rate shipping options

Shipping From 

The shipping from allows vendors to set a different shipping address for their products from their store address. This allows vendors to have their shipping calculated based on the location of their warehouse.

Shipping from store address

Other – such as a warehouse/factory 

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