The following article will outline the various options of the Vendor Rating tab in the WC Vendors Settings. The rating system allows customers to rate the vendor’s products after purchase. This system is independent of the WooCommerce Reviews system but it can be synchronised.
- Feedback System
- Sync with WooCommerce Reviews
- Feedback Display
- Feedback Sort
- Order Status
Feedback System
This option allows vendors to start a 5-star rating until they receive their first feedback score. Go to your vendor dashboard rating section and see the feedback.

Sync with WooCommerce Reviews
This option can synchronize all vendor rating with WooCommerce Reviews. This option will helpfull to vendors for a better review system.
Feedback Display
This option will display the ratings on the single product page. Once enabled a Product Ratings tab will be added to the single product data table.

Feedback Sort
Feedback sort provides the option to sort the ratings either from newest or oldest. Newest means it will display the newest review first. Oldest use to display the oldest review first.

Order Status
This option will determine when customers will be offered to leave feedback. If you select processing then the customer can put a review here on processing order status. If you select completed then only after the order is completed can customers share feedback.