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  4. How to Fix Outdated Templates?

How to Fix Outdated Templates?

When a new version of WC Vendors Pro is released, we sometimes update the default templates.

Your site’s Pro Dashboard or other pages may break because they override WC Vendors default templates. If you look under WordPress Dashboard > WooCommerce > System Status, at the bottom, you will see if your templates are the current/correct versions. If they are, you should expect everything to work properly.

If the templates are out of date, you will want to copy the templates into your theme folder. As an example, the Pro template for adding/editing a product is in /plugins/wc-vendors-pro/templates/dashboard/product-edit.php. You would copy this file into /themes/yourtheme-child/wc-vendors/dashboard/product-edit.php. If you made changes to it, compare the two versions and change/update accordingly.

We try not to change the templates often, as we understand that updating them can be time-consuming if your site is heavily customized. We only will update the templates to fix any bugs found, or to add new features to them. Sometimes your old templates will work just fine, but by using them they will not incorporate the new features we code into Pro. Simply test it out with a test vendor account, and if all is well, you can certainly skip the template updates.

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