How To Export Products

WC Vendors Pro includes a feature that allows vendors to export their existing orders into a CSV file. To use this feature, a vendor/seller must first log in to their store dashboard and then follow the next easy steps.

Exporting orders

  1. Click on ‘Orders‘ to open the orders page
  2. Specify a date range for the orders you wish to export by selecting a ‘Start Date‘ and ‘End Date
  3. Click on the ‘Update‘ button to confirm the range you selected
  4. Click on ‘Export Orders‘ to start the export.
  5. A new file will be generated and saved in the Downloads folder as ‘orders.csv’

Preview of exported orders

Important Note

When exporting orders that contain only virtual items, there will be no shipping address displayed for the orders with only virtual products as order items. The customer column will be empty as in the following screenshot.

This is because, by default, the order export feature uses the shipping address when exporting the orders, but the shipping address is not available for virtual items as they do not require shipping. This behavior can be overridden by using the customer billing address instead of the shipping address and it can be achieved in one of two ways.

Option A: Using the settings option

  1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard, on the page ‘WC Vendors > Settings > General
  2. At the bottom of the page, find the option labeled ‘Vendor Orders‘ and make sure it is checked. This option will override the shipping address with the billing address if empty.

Option B: Using a code snippet

To override the shipping address with the customer details using the code snippet, do the following.

Add the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file.

	function( $use_shipping_address ) {
		return false;

It is strongly advisable that you add this to a Child Theme so that you will not lose your changes when the parent theme is updated.

This override must be performed by the Marketplace Administrator and is no available for a per vendor basis.

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