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  4. How To Debug Commission Issues

How To Debug Commission Issues

We have a complex commission system that works on various levels. This can confuse both during setup and while operating. Here are some common issues our users have encountered when using WC Vendors commissions.

Commission calculation appears incorrect

When you set up your commissions, there are several places you can set these commissions. There are a number of reasons why commission calculations could be incorrect.

Possible reasonSolution
The percentage rate has a decimalCheck the product commission data tab on the product edit screen and remove if necessary
Set a vendor commissionCheck the user edit screen and remove the commission override if necessary
Set a category commission [PRO]Check the product category edit screen for any commission overrides
Custom commission calculationWC Vendors does not support any percentage rate other than whole numbers. For example, 85.5% is not supported.
WC Vendors does not support any percentage rate other than whole numbers. For example, 85.5% is not supported. WC Vendors does not support any percentage rate other than whole numbers. For example 85.5% is not supported.

Shipping is not being added to the commission

The WC Vendors commission system works on a per-product basis and does not support WooCommerce shipping zones. There could be several reasons why shipping is not being added to the commission.

Possible reasonSolution
Shipping not set to be given to vendorsEnsure that Give shipping to vendors is enabled in WC Vendors > Settings > General
The shipping system not supported.You must be using a supported shipping system for shipping to be added to the commission calculation.

Tax not being added to the commission

There are several reasons why tax might not be added to the commission.

Possible reasonSolution
Tax is not configured to be give to the vendorEnsure that Give any taxes to the vendor is enabled in WC Vendors > Settings > General.
Tax is not configured in WooCommerceTax needs to be enabled and configured in the WooCommerce settings or use a supported tax plugin.

Incorrect tax being added to the commission

Tax support requires that the marketplace define and set the commissions site-wide within the WooCommerce settings. This means that if you are in a jurisdiction that has different sales tax rates depending on origin and destination, you will need to use a supported tax system. If you live in a country with a flat rate sales tax, such as Australia, then you can use the built-in tax system from WooCommerce.

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