The following article will outline the various options on the general tab in WC Vendors Settings. These options are for both WC Vendors Marketplace and WC Vendors Pro. Pro options will be highlighted.
You can also check out our video regarding the various settings that you can configure for your marketplace:
Marketplace Options
- Vendor Registration
- Terms & Conditions Checkbox
- Vendor Approval
- Vendor Taxes
- Vendor Shipping
- WordPress Dashboard (Pro)
- Vendor Login Redirect (Pro)
Vendor Registration
This option will allow a user to become a vendor once you enable the “Vendor Registration” option. If the user creates an account as a customer and after the user wants to create an account as a vendor then using this option user can create a vendor account.

Terms & Conditions Checkbox
Using this, the site admin will create a checkbox for terms and conditions on the registration page.

Vendor Approval
Using the vendor approval option, the site admin can manually approve registration as a vendor. When this option is checked by the site administrator, the user must first be approved by the site administrator when creating an account as a vendor after registration.

Vendor Taxes
This option allows taxes to the vendor. This procedure is shown after

Vendor Shipping
This option allows shipping to the vendor. Front end view Vendor Shipping.

Mark Received
This option allows customers to mark their orders received.

WordPress Dashboard (Pro)
Start with WordPress Dashboard, this option allows only the admin can access the wp-admin Dashboard.

Vendor Login Redirect (Pro)
When a vendor is logged in, this option will Redirect the Vendor to either Dashboard page or My-account page.

Go to Vendor login my-account page, Now login again as a vendor see here it will redirect you to your selected dashboard page.