A Guide To WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions: An Amazing Marketplace Plugin

A Guide To WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions: An Amazing Marketplace Plugin

If you’re looking for a powerful plugin that can empower your multi-vendor marketplace, look no further. WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions gives you additional ways to generate revenue, making it perfect for anyone hoping to expand their e-commerce business!

We listened to vendors and their request for WC Vendors and WooCommerce Subscriptions integration. Well, that integration is finally here – which means creating a subscription-based marketplace is no longer out of the question.

Have you always wanted to start a subscription box service? With this plugin, customers can subscribe to your vendors’ products or services, and then pay them on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis. As a result, you can earn recurring revenue from said vendors, thereby elevating your business to greater heights!

In today’s article, we’ll explore the many features of WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions and the benefits they can provide your online multi-vendor marketplace. So let’s jump right into it!

WC Vendors' integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions can benefit your multi-vendor marketplace in various ways

What Is WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions?

WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions is a powerful plugin for your WooCommece store. Basically, by combining the strengths of WC Vendors and WooCommerce Subscriptions, it lets you grant your vendors the ability to create and sell their own subscription products.

In other words, vendors can enjoy constant sales through simple and variable subscription products. In addition, they can view any subscription product and its details at any time. Thanks to these options, vendors can sell subscription boxes, recurring services, regular product deliveries, and so much more.

Therefore, this plugin will allow you to transform your multi-vendor marketplace into a subscription box service… and more! In turn, the resulting recurring payments and commissions will enable you to capture more revenue, helping you grow your online shopping hub!


WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions boasts various powerful features. Let’s see how vendors can use them to boost the performance of your multi-vendor marketplace!

1. Create subscription products

Using this plugin, you can allow your vendors to create simple and variable subscription products, and then have customers sign up for subscriptions. Then, every time a customer pays to renew a subscription, you and your vendor collect commissions.

creating subscription products for a multi-vendor marketplace
A subscription product click to zoom

Vendors can modify their subscription products as they see fit. For example, they can temporarily offer the product for free or at a reduced price. They can even impose limits on the subscription.

2. View subscriptions

Vendors can examine their active subscriptions. Moreover, they can cancel subscriptions if you allow them to.

WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions list
Viewing active subscriptions click to zoom

This way, vendors can easily determine which products to keep subscribing to and which to let go.

3. Earn commissions

The plugin generates vendor commissions for every order that is processed. Therefore, commissions are also collected for every renewal payment.

As per a normal order, you can set the commission rate based on the marketplace, vendor, or product settings. However, the difference is that commissions are recurring. Thus, you get to enjoy repeat sales and therefore a regular stream of revenue.

4. Receive email notifications

Vendors will receive email notifications for their subscriptions and any details related to the orders. In addition, they will receive a notification every time a customer cancels their subscription.

Thanks to this system, vendors can stay informed about relevant data. As a result, they can enjoy more efficient operations, thus boosting the overall performance of your multi-vendor marketplace.

5. Take advantage of Stripe Connect

Subscriptions require a compatible payment gateway to set up recurring payments.

Thankfully, WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscription boasts compatibility with Stripe Connect. In other words, it includes support for subscriptions, which makes the collection of recurring payments fast, convenient, and secure.

Are you looking for a list of other compatible payment gateways? Then please check out the WooCommerce Subscriptions documentation.


For WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions to be of use to your multi-vendor marketplace, you’ll need the following products.

  1. WooCommerce v3.5.x+ ( free)
  2. WC Vendors v2.1.x+ (free)
  3. WC Vendors Pro (buy now) v1.6.x+
  4. WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.4.x and above (Purchased @ woocommerce.com)
  5. A supported payment gateway from WooCommerce Subscriptions

More WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions Guides

Would you like more information on WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions? Then please click this link for our documentation.

Moreover, we’ve prepared a detailed tutorial on how to turn your multi-vendor marketplace into a subscription box service via vendor membership subscriptions:

How To Create WooCommerce Subscription Products For Your Marketplace (Ultimate Guide)

You can also create a vendor membership subscription, which requires marketplace sellers to pay you a recurring fee to continue using your platform.

How To Charge Vendors In Your Marketplace (A Membership Subscriptions Guide)


WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions is a powerful plugin that can help your e-commerce business grow. After all, it lets you create a subscription-based multi-vendor marketplace, which can ensure repeat purchases and recurring revenue.

To summarize, our plugin lets vendors:

  1. Create subscription products
  2. View subscriptions
  3. Earn commissions
  4. Receive email notifications
  5. Take advantage of Stripe Connect

Are you interested in learning more about how WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions can benefit your multi-vendor marketplace? If so, feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

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Jamie is the founder and lead developer of WC Vendors. He has been working in the WordPress, WooCommerce and Marketplace space for more than 15 years, 9 of those dedicated to multivendor marketplaces.
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